Here are few must know Internet Banking Safety Tips to safely access you net-banking account and keep it secured from possible phishing or fraud attack.
First of all let me explain what the phishing attack is and how online hackers and frauds are trying hard to steal your money from your net-banking account.
If you receive any email from your bank with subject line something like
- Dear user, security system upgraded.
- You account is terminated. Please take an action to reactivate it.
- You account is disabled. Please take an action to re activate it.
- Please take some time to move your account in latest upgraded security system to protect your account.
How to verify that you are on your bank's website and not on phishing website?
You can verify this by looking at the address bar of your internet browser. You must know the exact url of your bank site, for example if it is than (just example) might be the phishing attacker's website. You can also verify the internet banking website from their SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) certificate, which will be highlighted near the starting of address bar in browser.