With the internet and a boom in the use and ownership of computers, laptops and smart phones the banking industry has gone out of their way to take advantage of this technology while at the same time incorporating their banking services into one package. Gone are the days of sending your payments in the mail where there is a chance it can get lost or arrive late due to unforeseen delays in the delivery.
Internet banking or online banking incorporates computer technology with the internet to give consumers such as yourself the ability to bypass those time consuming aspects of traditional brick-and-mortar banking.
With the St.George internet banking service you are able to get complete control of your financial accounts with the convenience of being able to transact banking business at any time and from anywhere you have internet access - dress code optional. What this means is that you can check balances, transfer funds or pay your bills even if you're a couple of hundred miles away and you don't have to worry about postage.
If you're an environmentalist then you're going to love this feature of the St.George internet banking service - electronic statements. Instead of getting a paper statement in the mail you get an email alert whenever an electronic statement is ready for you to view. And because it's posted instantaneously you don't have to wait for it to arrive like you would a paper statement. And it's good for the environment too because no paper is used so no trees were cut down for it.