Anyone who is, or would like to use internet banking is probably concerned about safety. And, with good reason. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world right now.
Statistics show that 1 in 10 people will have their identity stolen at some point in their life. And internet banking is one way these dirt bags use to get your information.
More and more people are taking the plunge into internet banking. It is handy and fast. And, for anyone who is living abroad, it is almost a necessity.
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to protect your privacy and use internet banking safely.
The first requirement of safe internet banking is to ensure your banking intuition uses a secure system. They should be using an SSL connection and 128 bit encryption.
If they require 128 bit encryption, they will tell you in your banking documents, so it is easy to determine. It is even easier to ensure that they are using SSL encryption. When you go to your banking site, look in the address bar of your browser. The address of your account should be preceded with "https". Not "http". In addition, you should have a small picture of a closed padlock either in your address bar, or your status bar.